PRP Treatment for Chronic Tennis Elbow

Bruce Profile

Favorite Sports
I'm pretty well back to everything. I had a long lot of limited activity before and I think all of those limitations have gone.

- Bruce

At The Stone Clinic, we combine PRP (platelet-rich plasma) with HA (hyaluronic acid) to create a broadly stimulating "cocktail" to induce a healing response in both non-operative and post-operative patients. For Bruce, we were able to provide relief from chronic tennis elbow pain without any surgical intervention.

Our use of pain-relieving anabolic injections focuses on stimulating your body’s own internal pharmacy to improve the site of your injury in the following ways:

  • accelerating the healing process
  • lubricating the joints to reduce painful friction
  • shutting down inflammation
  • limiting scar formation
  • recruiting the body’s stem-cell-derived self-repair cells to regenerate damaged tissue