Press on The Stone Clinic & Kevin R. Stone, MD
Below you will find recent media appearances and press articles on The Stone Clinic, the Stone Research Foundation, and Dr. Stone. For media bookings and inquiries please contact
Ologies Podcast: Genicular Traumatology (BAD KNEES) with Kevin Stone
Dr. Stone joined Alie Ward on the award-winning science podcast Ologies to discuss all things knee-related including popping patellas, tendons vs ligaments, physical therapy, joint juices, sporty injections, cadaver tissues, weight's impact on knee health, types of arthritis, bionic body parts, and more.
Triathlete Magazine: Can I Still Run After Knee Replacement Surgery?
Triathlete Magazine deep dives into one of the biggest questions from athletes with knee issues: Can I run after knee replacement? The answer comes in the form of the remarkable story of ultra runner and Stone Clinic patient Richard Donovan (pictured below) who ran 3,200 miles across the United States on two partial knee replacements.
Good Morning America Asks Dr. Stone How to Run Without Pain
Becky Worley from Good Morning America came to The Stone Clinic to hear Dr. Stone share the science behind his key tips to enjoying your run without pain.
California Stem Cell Agency Awards the Stone Research Foundation $1.3M to Fight Osteoarthritis
The Stone Research Foundation secured it's largest major grant when the California Institute of Regenerative Medicine (CIRM), the California stem cell agency, invested in further developing the minimally invasive, one-step solution to cartilage regeneration developed by Dr. Stone.
Wall Street Journal: "The People Getting New & Hips in their 40s"
Dr. Stone shared his expertise with the Wall Street Journal to provide insights into trends of younger patients undergoing joint replacement. The piece is “The People Getting New & Hips in their 40s.”
We're very excited to spread our message that there is no reason to live needlessly in pain waiting for total knee replacement. While we prefer to biologically rebuild your knee, advances in robotic technology have made partial or total knee replacement viable options for younger patients with end-stage arthritis.
The article sparked the interest of San Francisco radio station KCBS which invited Dr. Stone onto the air to learn why younger people are electing to undergo knee replacement surgery. Find out why in his live interview! (You can skip the commercials by starting the clip at 1:30 😉)
An ACL Tear That Heals Itself?
The technology of ACL treatment is evolving. The Wall Street Journal explores new ACL reconstruction methods in their early days with Dr. Stone and other leading ACL orthopaedic surgeons.
New York Times: How Long Does It Take to Get Fit Again?
Losing and gaining fitness are cycles that many of us experience. The New York Times, with the expert help of Dr. Stone, explores the science behind physiological changes in fitness.
Dr. Stone Discusses How to Turn Back Time with Neil deGrasse Tyson on Star Talk Podcast
Dr. Stone joined one of the foremost scientific educators Neil deGrasse Tyson to discuss how to be in your prime forever on Neil's Star Talk podcast. They deep dive into the orhtopaedic science of the human body to explain the lifespan of your body parts, what dictates the speed of recovery, the implications of longevity science, & much more.
Kirkus Reviews on Play Forever by Kevin R. Stone, MD
Kirkus Reviews praise for Dr. Stone's book Play Forever: How to Recover from Injury & Thrive.
SKI Magazine: There’s Still Time to Prepare for Ski Season, According to a Former U.S. Ski Team Doctor
Dr. Stone teamed up with SKI Magazine to develop a comprehensive guide packed with expert advice to keep skiers safe, strong, and mountain-ready.

Dr. Stone on Good Morning America Discussing Health Tech
While undoubtedly there are countless exercise and nutrition tips being promoted this new year, Dr. Stone joined Good Morning America to discuss another key ingredient to muscular and mental fitness: sleep. Find out how critical rest can be to building a fit and healthy 2022.
Interview on RNZ (Radio New Zealand) Discussing Knee Mechanics
Dr. Stone joined RNZ (New Zealand public radio) for an interview to discuss the mechanics of the knee, explaining how we experience pain in that area and how early intervention is key to preventing arthritis.
Healthline: ACL Knee Repair Sometimes Leads to Better Outcomes Than Reconstruction
The science of ACL treatment is a constant work in progress. In this Healthline feature, Dr. Stone weighs in on ACL repair vs ACL reconstruction.
Muscle for Life Podcast: Fit Forever & Injury-Free with Kevin R. Stone, MD
Dr. Stone joined the Muscle for Life Fitness Podcast with Michael Matthews to discuss how to avoid sendentary senior years and provide performance tips that will keep you active for a lifetime.
Medical Tech Gains Bring the Bionic Human Closer to the Reality
Future tech and innovation outlet iPondr featured Dr. Stone and patient, adventurer, and ultra marathon runner Richard Donovan to demonstrate the revolutionary changes taking place in the field of orthopaedics and how robotics in surgery is redefining life after knee replacement.