Biologic Knee Replacement Patient Story (4 years post-op)


My name's Wayne. Initially met Dr. Stone because I came to investigate the BioKnee, which was the the paste graft and the replacement meniscus procedure. And I was, I had initially when I consulted with Dr. Stone showed me my x-ray and I had a bone on bone in the lateral compartment of my right knee. And so it was a point where I could have done a partial knee replacement or do the bio knee. And I just, I opted for the bio knee and now it's four years later and I'm here for a follow-up. And it's been amazing for four years. I have no pain. I walk 18 holes of golf. I play tennis a couple of times a week.

I take advantage of the visco supplementation shot to just keep everything healthy and lubricated. And initially, my problem was started on the tennis court when I tore. I had a big bucket handle tear, they, they called it. And I had a surgeon repair it. And after two or three years or four, I don't remember, but I kind of ground through that repair and that's when everybody was telling me that, oh, you're gonna need a knee replacement. And then I was at an age that I wasn't, that wasn't really acceptable to me at that point in time. So I was looking for alternatives and fortunately I was Dr. Stone was here and I was really happy that there was an alternative to that. And you know, four years later I, I couldn't be more happy,

Physically I was feeling a lot of discomfort in my knee, and it was just things were moving around in there and I was unable to do the things that I love to do, which is I've been playing sports my whole life and I want to play the rest of my life.

The fact that I can play tennis and is really important to me. I played tennis in college and I played tournaments, I senior tournaments. And it's amazing for me to get back to that and to en to enjoy that, cuz that's what I always envision myself being able to do. And I have no, no pain ascending or descending stairs or walking 18 holes of golf. It's a regular knee, it's a, it's my normal knee, you know? So that is what I came here for. But at the same time, it's just it seems amazing to me that it's actually happened, so I'm really happy.

I expected to be able to continue to play, but I wasn't ready to do the knee replacement, the partial knee replacement, which is a great alternative. I have friends who've had it, and they've had great experience with it who play tennis and play tournaments like I do. But again, I just wanted to, I felt like I wanted to keep my natural parts and everybody is, other doctors that I've seen were saying, well, you got arthritis there in the knee you know, on the articular cartilage, you know, there's arthritis there and, you know, know that's very problematic. So, you know, you're gonna need a knee replacement. But with the paste graft surgery, I guess that took care of that. And it was, it was a little bit of longer recovery from what you know, but it was fine. It worked out great.

Anybody's like me when something like this happens, you've, I've been pretty healthy my whole life, and then all of a sudden you have an injury a major, what I consider a major injury all of a sudden for the first time. And then you're told that it's gonna affect your, your activities and especially if you're a sport sporty person it's kind of stressful. I was very stressed out and I had a period there while I was searching around and deciding what to do. I would just tell people who are in that situation that I was in to, if you're feeling the same and you want to see, have an alternative or just another opinion, I highly recommend coming here to San Francisco and seeing Dr. Stone. 

It's amazing for me to get back to the things I enjoy because that's what I always envisioned myself being able to do. And I have no pain ascending or descending stairs or walking 18 holes of golf. It's a regular, normal knee. So that is what I came here for. But at the same time, it's just it seems amazing to me that it's actually happened. So I'm really happy!
- Wayne O.
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Learn about procedures that can help you return to sports & delay or avoid an artificial knee replacement.