The End of Pain. Patient story, 7 months post-op

You don't realize when you're a pain every day how irritable you are and just in a bad mood and, and at the end of the day can get pretty grumpy when your, your knee is hurting all the time. And I'm feeling like there's nothing that you could do that you have to keep going on this leg that hurts all the time and you don't really, I mean, when you're in that space, you don't realize like how far you've gotten away from, how, how it feels to not feel that way, I guess. So, yeah. You don't have to use a, sorry. Okay. Okay. Just that feeling of having hope and, um, you know, having the, having that pain gone. It's just, it's been life-changing. Just in more ways than just being able to become physically active again, which has happened. Um, just my overall, uh, emotional, uh, wellbeing is completely done. A one 80. So somebody that is just, um, just before surgery I would say, don't worry, it's going to be okay. Um, it will help you. Your pain will be gone.

After an injury that happened when she was just a teenager, our patient had spent half her life with some kind of knee pain. Failed surgeries had made it worse. She was told that she needed a total knee replacement. Instead, she had biologic knee surgery at The Stone Clinic to rebuild her knee naturally and repair the damage. Here she movingly describes what it was like for her when knee pain vanished from her life.

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Saving My Knee Guide
Learn about procedures that can help you return to sports & delay or avoid an artificial knee replacement.